Saturday, November 25, 2006

The Countries I have visited.....

Found a cool little link - it allows you to put in all of the countries in the world that you have been to, and then shows them up on a map......all the countries I have ever set foot in are coloured red in the pic at the bottom of this page....the aim is to paint the entire world red :-)

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Ryder Cup - Ireland September 2006

The end of September saw me take my first trip to Ireland. It will not be the last trip to Ireland i hope - as I still need to see the country.

We got there on the Saturday - had a short briefing in Dublin City Centre, before heading out to the City West Hotel - we stayed at the apartments at the end of the hotel driveway, which was great on the first few nights while the other staff from Manchester were also there - couple of good nights gettting to know everyone.

I knew that i was there to assist with the transportation, but had no idea exactly what that would involve, until the Sunday morning, when I was asked to Manage the South Coach Park at the K-Club (the course where the Ryder cup was taking place) - there were 2 coach parks, and 2 park and rides and the coach park that i was in charge of was to look after apprx 30k people per day.

In theory there should not have been much to do. Bus Eirean and Dublin Bus had a load of staff to look after the busses, and really i was there only to make sure there were no problems. In actuality, it was perhaps the harest 6 days of work I have ever had to do. My "office" was on teh wrong side of the Security tents, and I could not see the coach park from the office - so I barely used it. The coach park itself was not tarmac, rather shale, which caused problems in itself. I also had three separate distinct areas (park and Ride, hotel coaches, and Private coaches) which i had to look after. So I basically spent most of my days walking around on the shale checking on the three areas. During the busy periods I was standing in the middle of the coach turning circle from where i could just see all three areas.

Ireland was not kind to us weather wise. It rained almost every day, and I can tell you it is not pleasant to be standing in the rain all day long. Blisters upon blisters on my feet, shin splints, aching back, aching miscles - it was nasty. WE were up at 04:00 each day to be at the coach park by 05:00 and we generally left the south coach park at 21:00 and went up to the north park, from where we went home for about 22:00. 6 days in a row of this was not pleasant.

The icing on the cake came on the thursday evening. It was about 20:00 and I was stanidng right in the middle of the coach park, when suddenly Hurricane Gordon hit. The weather man tells me that it was gusting at 120mph, which I have no idea what it feels like - but this wind was strong, and almost immeidately we evacuated the park - evacuated everyone that is, except for me, who had to stay behind and make sure everything was staying where it was and was not being blown away :-) That was a strange experience - somewhere that has been so busy was evacuated within 10 minutes, and suddenly i was alone, rain lashing down (and up!) wind blowing everything over, and not having anything to hang on to!!

All in all and weeks after the event, I actualy enjoyed the week, but I will be in two minds as to whether I do that again in a couple of years time.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Russia - August 2006

OK - so I am currently in Moscow working on the FIFA U-20 Womens World Championships. I love this event - the last one was U19 - in thailand two years ago - there is somethingabout the womens events that is just nicer to be involved with.

Have been here since Aug 6th - gotta say that i really do not think much of Russia. It might be just the people, but they all seem so miserable. OK - i learnt that to smile in Russia is to show weakness, which explains why they all seem so serious all the time, but they will not do anything without first making sure you realise that they are going out of their way for you. Even passing the salt for christs sake - its ridiculous.

The city of Moscow itself seems quite nice. The architecture is amazing - huge impressive buildings and wide streets - and its clean, as far as no litter on the ground. However there is a lot of polution here which has left its dirty gray mark all over everything over the years.

I havent been to red square or the kremlin yet - hope to in the next few days.

Football wise - I had the pleasure of looking after Finland, Canada, China, Nigeria, and North Korea at my team hotel. All home now except China and North Korea, either of who to be honest could win this tournament as they are looking prety strong. Anyway - for the record, a list of games that i have been to:

Aug 18 - SUI vs MEX (2:4) - Dynamo
Aug 18 - PRK (North korea) vs GER (2:0) - Dynamo
Aug 20 - FIN vs CAN (0:2) - Podmoskovie
Aug 20 - CHN vs NIG (3:0) - Podmoskovie
Aug 24 - MEX vs PRK (0:4) - Dynamo
Aug 24 - USA vs FRA (1:0) - Dynamo
Aug 26 - BRA vs NIG (2:1) - Torpedo
Aug 26 - CHN vs RUS (4:0) - Torpedo
Aug 31 - BRA vs PRK (0:1) - Lokomotiv
Aug 31 - CHN vs USA (0:0 - CHN won on penalties) - Lokomotiv

edit: Since I wrote the above the final has now been decided - it will be between China and North Korea - which i predicted during the group stages. I think and hope that North Korea will win it - first it would be a huge shock, and second China have gotten there through the kin of their teeth - they dive, they defend, but they do not attack and are luky to be there at all.

Saturday, August 26, 2006


I think I am in the process of learning something about myself. I think I am learning that i cannot sit still and just listen. I have to be doing something to keep myself occupied, and it has to be more than just aural stimulation.

I am learning this because for the first time ever I am trying to listen to an audiobook. I recently found a webssite called which basically sells audiobooks. I joined on a yearly subscription, not for the books, but for all the old radio shows they have on there ("Just a Minute", and "I'm Sorry I havent a clue", for example) However this month, with one of my two credits, I "bought" the audiobook Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke. I had wanted to buy the book for a while, but I decided - why not have a listen - perfect for long drives, or falling asleep to in the evening....

WRONG! I cannot listen for more than 5 minutes before either falling asleep, or, and this is worse, osing concentration and focussing on something else, like what i will have for breakfast tomorrow, or why did I forget to do my laudry yet again! This lapse in concentration means that I eventually have to stop the audiobook, rewind, and listen again. Easy? no! How do you know where you stopped listening? I invariably end up listening to 2 or 3 minutes of the same part again before it gets to something new.....and then I lose concentration again.

So - is it me? I thought maybe its just a boring book - but actually I am quite enjoying it, when I am listening to it. I just think that I am not cut out to simply sit and listen (something my mother and several girlfriends will probably agree with no doubt!) - I have to be doing something else at the same time. But of course then, I wouldnt actually be listening to the book.

ah well - I got through one hour of the book so far...only another 31 hours to go - I might be finished by 2010!

My World Cup

So - unlike I predicted - England didnt win it - what a surprise.....for my memory - these are the games that i saw live (ie at the stadium)

June 10 - England vs Paraguay (1-0) - Frankfurt
June 13 - Korea vs Togo(2:1) - Frankfurt
June 17 - Portugal vs Iran (2:0) - Frankfurt
June 20 - Sweden vs England (2:2) - Cologne
June 21 - Netherlands vs Argentina (0:0) - Frankfurt - quite possibly the dullest game ever!
June 25 - England vs Ecuador (1:0) - Stuttgart
July 1 - Brazil vs France (0:1) - Frankfurt - this was straight after watching England get knocked out by Portugal on TV!
July 4 - Germany vs Italy (0:2) - Dortmund

I dont know if anyone else felt this way - but I really felt let down by this world cup. A lot of people blame FIFA nad their interpretations of the game, but I blame the teams - they came not to lose - very few teams came to win - certainly Italy did not come to Germany with attack in mind. Seems that this is the way football is going these days - Look at Greece wining in 2004 onthe back of defending for 89 out of 90 minutes.....

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Finally - Its here

After more than two years of living in Frankfurt and working ma ass off - the world cup has started - my first game was England 1-0 Paraguay - glad to have been there - may the English team get better though - I truly believe they can win this world cup - but they have got to do better than they did today.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Look what i learnt to do today...

thank god for rainy days huh? :-)

Sunday, May 07, 2006

back - kind of

Been a while since I was on here - but have finally found some time to make a few changes to the menu over there on the right - added Big Si's blog - added my current book, and also added what I think is a cool little widget which will randomly show three of my books when the page is refreshed....I will only ever add books that i have bought to it - but check out the Library thing site - kind of interesting....

Anyway - lots more to say - but with World Cup looming large - I doubt I will have many updates in the next few weeks.....

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Return to Japan.....

So - December 2005 was the month that I went back to Japan, after almost 4 years away. The reason was work related of course - the FIFA Club World Championship TOYOTA Cup 2005 - bit of a mouthful - but an interesting event and one that I was Event Manager (for accommodation) for, so was a good challenge for me. A lot of work as usual, but becasue it was Japan, I made sure I had time to play as well - so not much sleep this month!

I have spent 6 of the last 12 years in Japan, and there is a reason for that - I LOVE it! There is nowhere where I have felt more at home, and I include my own country in that! Sure there are things I miss from back home, but there is more I miss from Japan, when I am not there. The last month has really given me another taste for that lifestyle, though I am not sure my Liver could stand up to the battering I gave it for too much longer, as a plaque on teh wall in Germonimo's in Roppongi will attest to (15 different shots in one night - Heiland Zack!)

So - what did I do there - not a lot really - didnt venture out of Yesbisu or Roppongi, but didnt really need to either. highlights included going to Gompatchi - the inspration behind the restaurant for the crazy 88's scene in Kill Bill and of course all the wondeful food (Yakiniku - mmmm) but really it is all quite a blur, as there were far too many B52's around. If you dont know what a B52 is - dont try and find out (and no, i am not talking about the planes!

Anyway, all being well, this event will be repeated in Japan again in 2006, and I shall be venturing into other areas such as Shibuya, Shinjuku, etc etc next time....

Inter Hyogo - Jan 08 2006