Friday, August 31, 2007

Montreal, Niagara Falls, and New York City

So - I finally took a vacation - first one since January - and enforced (thankfully) due to the wedding of Mat and Michelle. The first week was spent in Montreal with M&M and their friends and family (and my folks) and the second week was spent with my folks driving to Niagara and back, then flying to NYC for a few days.

Loved the holiday - Montreal was great - I really didn't expect much - never really considered it as a destination to go spend a holiday at, and I doubt I will be in a rush to go back - but it was definitely worth a visit once. Spent the first week slowly being introduced to Mats friends as they arrived from NZ meaning that every night was a new party, finished off with teh wedding night itself at which i danced myself silly - dont remember ever having danced so much at any party before, but hey - i enjoyed myself.

The drive down to Niagara was about 6 hours, which was about 3 hours more than I expected originally - which was fine, except it was pissing it down when we got there!! People had told me that Niagara Falls was a bit like Blackpool on drugs, and I can see why - what a crazy place, but in the morning the sun was shining and we rode on the Maid of the Mist etc etc - well worth the drive.

The next day we flew to NYC. Was my first time in the Big Apple and I have to say that hte first few hours as we walked to Times Square from our hotel, were not pleasant - It was all too chaotic....but slowly I got into it, and really enjoyed the few days there, gettin to catch up with an old friend in the process. I particularly enjoyed chilling out in Central Park with all the weirdo's (one guy in a black bikini - hmmm)