OK - so after an unventful 3 weeks in Lima o far, where i have seen nothing but the football stadium, two hotels, and one restaurant, something finally happenned to get me interested again.
Just when i thought i was going to die of despair at not being able to get any time off or any free time to explore, my office actually told me to take a day off and join a trip that a few people were making, all at the companies expense. Turns out the trip was to Machu Picchu, and here are a few pics.
Machu Picchu is an inkan temple about a 3 hour journey from the Peruvian City of Cuzco. Its located at the top of a mountain at about 10000 feet (not sure of exact height, but thats close enough) It was an interesting journey....

After a party the night before, and getting to bed around 01:30, I had to be up at 3:30. In a taxi at 04:00 to join the rest of the group (34 of us) and a bus to the airport for a flight to Cuzco at 06:00. Arrived Cuzco abotu 90 minutes later where we got on a minibus to some place the name of which i cant remember how to spell or promounce. At 10:30 we then got on a train that took about 90 mins to get to the town of Machu Picchu, at the

Was so glad to finally be there - was totally exhausted, but by god it was worth it as I hope the few pics in this blog entry show. It was especially bad, as, being so high, climbing around was tough, and at one stage i thought i was going to pass out from altitude sickness. But all was good. Sadly though, we only had time to spend 90 minutes at the top of the mountain, and so we didnt get to see everything, and I will certainly go back at some stage, hopefully to spend a few days there......but thats not the end of this story........
We then headed back down the mountian in the bus to catch a train at 16:20, then a bus again at 18:00 back into Cuzco where we arrived at about 20:00. So by this stage most of the group were on about 36 hours with only a couple of hours sleep (if an - one or two had no sleep the previous night) but as we drove into Cuzco, we realised that this city is much much better than Lima....so we decide to go out and get some dinner. I think we managed to find THE worst restaurant in the whole of Cuzco. The peruvian food was good, but the spaghetti and meat dishes were all left narely touched.....on the menu however, I had spotted something i had never seen on a Menu before...Roast Guinea Pig. Now, i am of the opinion that when it comes to food, you should try everything once...at lunh, I ate Alpaca for the first time (not bad, but not my taste), and I was tempted by teh guinea pig, but was really hungry and wanted to opt for a safe Pizza...but managed to persuade another of our group to go for it with the Guinea pig. I am not sure what we were expecting, maybe pieces of meat, skewer or something, but we certainly were not expecting this.......

1 comment:
You ate that?
You truly are a man of the world.
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